Tuesday, January 24, 2012

U.S. Aircraft Carrier able to go through Strait of Hormuz without incident after Iran Threat
The USS Abraham Lincoln, at left with the John Stennis in the Arabian Sea, moved through the Strait of Hormuz on Sunday. 

Sunday, the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier moved through the Strait of Hormuz without an incident Sunday with British and French ships after threats from Iran. U.S. Naval Forces Central Command released a statement saying that the Lincoln "completed a regular and routine transit of the strait...to conduct maritime security operations." A couple weeks ago Iranian officials warned the United States not to send another carrier after the USS John Stennis left the Persian Gulf headed back for the western Pacific. General Ahmad Vahidi said, "WE have always stated that there is no need for the forces belonging to the countries beyond this region to have a presence in the Persian Gulf. Their presence does nothing but create mayhem, and we never wanted them to present in the Persian Gulf." They have threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz which is a major problem because it is the only outlet to and from the Persian Gulf between Iran and the United Arab Emirates as well as Oman. It is a major shipping rout of oil and other resources. The U.S. responded to the threat by saying they will "respond" if Iran attempts to shut down traffic. The United States has h military presence in that region with the message that they will do everything possible to help secure peace in that part of the world.

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