Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Syria rebels appeal to world as hilltop town comes under attack
Image: Syrian Free Army commander Riad al-Asaad  Tuesday, a Syrian rebel army chief begged for protection for the civilians of Syria. A group of embattled rebel fighters attempted to attack a resort Syrian hill resort. It now has become a hub of revolt against President Bashar Assad's rule. One  of the rebels discribed the conditions for residents of Zabadani as,"Every day we have a funeral. Every Day their tanks fire on us." The town was attacked by troops backed by tanks, which resulted in 40 people being wounded. It has not only impacted the small town, but the entire nation. Syria's news, SANA said that Tuesday, "An armed terrorist group" launched rocket-propelled grenades at an army checkpoint late Monday, killing an officer and five other army personal. People are running to join the opposition because of fear that the Assad will not enact reforms or stop the violence.

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