Monday, May 21, 2012

Over Half of Florida Students Fail State Test

Florida test scores bring more questions than answersFlorida has the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test which tests students on their reading and writing skills in grades 4, 8, and 10 . The results for the last test were just released and it showed a major drop in scores. Last year 81% kids in the fourth grade scored a four or higher on their test. The tests are scored on a one to six grading criteria, and receiving a four means the student at their grade level standards. This years results show that only 27% of fourth graders received a four or higher.  This drop was seen across all of the age groups.Last year, 82% of eighth graders scored a four or higher, but now only 33% did. 80% the tenth graders scored a four or higher last year but only 38% did this year. This dramatic drop is thought to be a result of a change in the grading guidelines. The state is putting teachers and students at a higher education level. These scores are to show the state how well schools are preforming and individual students. State officials are saying that they were expecting this drop and expect the scores to be back to where they were at in the next few years.

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