Monday, March 5, 2012

3 Year Old Swallows 37 Magnets

Three year old Payton Bushnell was rushed to the hospital Friday after swallowing 37 high powered rare earth Buckyball magnets. At first her parents believed she had the flu, but after the symptoms appeared to not be getting any better they knew something was wrong. Once the got the the hospital the doctors decided to take an X-ray. They saw the circle of beads and thought it was a simple bracelet. When the went to take the bracelet out, the realized they were dealing with 37 magnets. The doctors told the parents that the magnets pinched her intestines together and ripped three holes in her lower intestine and one hole in her stomach. They rushed her into surgery and were able to save her life. She is still in the hospital on her way to a full recovery.


  1. That's terryifying! But at least she's okay

  2. She ate a bracelet. I feel like someone could have easily stopped her. At least she's okay.
