Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Three Student Killed and Two Injured after shooting in Ohio

At 7:30 am the dispatch center was advised that a shooting took place at the Chardon High school. A high school boy approached a table in the cafeteria with a gun and began shooting. He hit five students and one student was pronounced dead hours after the indecent. Another two were pronounced dead the next day after the shooting. The gunman is in custody and will be charged by Thursday. The gunman was described as an outcast and bullied but he did have friends in school. This just shows that this could happen to any school any time. It is something that no one ever thinks will happen to them but when it does it is extremely tragic.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Teen Lifts Car to Save his Grandfather

Teen saves grandfather
Teen lifts car -- the BuickWhile Austin Smith and his grandfather, Ernest Monohollen, were working on a 1991 Buick Saturday morning. When Austin went in the car to pump the breaks while his grandfather was under the car, he felt the car shake a bit and then got out. After he got out the car which weighed over two thousand pounds fell on his grandpa. Austin quickly reacted by lifting the car to help free him. Austin says the reason he was able to free his grandpa was due to the adrenaline because he is unable to do it now. His grandpa suffered a serious cut to his face, fractured ribs and a fractured eye socket. Austin's grandmother is extremely thankful for everything Austin was able to do. His grandpa couldn't be more thankful and proud.
Ernie Monhollen

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

300 Pound Bear uses Drain Tunnel as Home

Dillon Weiler was driving when he saw two eyes in a drain tunnel and stops to see what it was. When he pulled over to take a look, he saw that it was a 300 pound black bear hibernating inside the tunnel. While bears hibernate, the are very light sleepers, so the public is told to look at a safe distance. A black bears instinct when it usually come in contact with humans  is to run away, but the bear could feel trapped and feel the need to fight back. People are told to stay quiet and stay back so the bear doesn't begin to feel trapped. Even though this might seem like a very rare event, bears which hibernate for four months out of the year, sometimes settle in man made objects such as culverts.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Father Kills himself and his Two Children in House Explosion

Josh Powell\'s wife, Susan Powell-Cox, has been missing for more than two years.
Right after noon on Sunday, Josh Powell stood outside of his house waiting for his kids to be brought by the social worker for a supervised visit. As the kids came running up to the door, Powell shoved them in the house and then slammed the door and locked it on the social worker. With the smell of gasoline in the air, she quickly called her supervisor. As soon as she got through to him, the house exploded with Josh Powell and his two sons, five year old Braden and seven year old Charlie. Powell is also the only suspect of his wife's disappearance in 2009. Right before the indecent, he sent an e-mail to his attorney simply saying, "I'm sorry. Goodbye." He also sent an e-mail to a family member saying how he couldn't handle the stress anymore. All three of them were found in a room together completely burned. The explosion shook all of the houses in the neighborhood. A medical examiner will be checking the bodies to see if they died of the fire or if Powell did something within the two minuets of all three of them in the house together before the explosion.